General Information

Community Outreach

Upscale Singers is a 501-c(3) AZ Corporation that helps fund the local music community.

Outreach Information

Upscale Singers believes strongly in supporting our local communities’ musical opportunities for youth. In 2007 we started by supporting two different outreach programs - The Magic of Music and Dance, a non-profit organization that provided musical theater performance experiences for Special Needs children and youth, and we also began our very own Upscale Singers Student Vocal Scholarship program. In 2010 we began providing grants for local Junior High and High School choirs and in 2016 we added scholarships for Desert Foothills Youth Theater summer music camp. In 2023 we started supporting Christian Youth Theater.

For information on how to donate, click HERE

Teacher Grants

Each year Upscale Singers award grants to vocal music teachers in the Cave Creek/Carefree and Anthem area junior and senior high schools to help with their diminished budgets. Each grant has a maximum value of $400. Since 2010 Upscale has helped our area music teachers buy sheet music ... purchase group uniforms ... hire performance accompanists, obtain classroom teaching aids and much more. Below are some samples of thanks we've received:

“I appreciate so much what your group does for supporting the vocal arts in our schools.”

“Your grant has helped build our music library.”

“Thank you for your support. It’s great to have a community partner.”

For information on how to donate, click HERE

Magic of Music and Dance

The Upscale Singers have supported the Arizona Magic of Music and Dance Camp, a camp for special needs children, since it began in 2007. The camp is the highlight of the year for the many campers as well as their teenage volunteer “buddies” who stick with them on and off stage. Self worth, confidence and friendship abound, and the organization is branching out into new ventures too. Visit AzMagic for more information.

For information on how to donate, click HERE

Desert Foothills Youth Theater Summer Music Camps

Upscale Singers is proud to support Desert Foothills Theater’s outstanding theater program by providing financial assistant for local youths to attend their summer music camps. This program was initiated in 2016, and every summer we provide three or four scholarships to help grateful young singers have a wonderful “on stage” experience.
Visit Desert Foothills Youth Theater for more info about their summer programs here.

For information on how to donate, click HERE

Cheryl Siebs Memorial Vocal Scholarships

Every year since 2007 the Upscale Singers have sponsored a vocal scholarship audition for junior and senior high students. The money is paid directly to the voice teacher chosen by awardees, who now call themselves Upscale Scholars. The two first-place winners -- such as 2021 Senior Division winner Mary Davis (pictured) -- perform solos at our Christmas Show concerts.